RSS Training

Salient of Elementary Sainik Training (First Batch)


Rashtriya Sainik Sanstha is an organization of retired Sainiks and patriotic civilians that envisions an India where every citizen is a die-hard Nationalist, having healthy body, sound mind, and responsible to build the Nation, besides being compassionate towards its countrymen, especially the deprived ones in the neighborhood.

To achieve the character envisioned in every Indian citizen, Rashtriya Sainik Sanstha plans to provide Sainik training to every child (Foundation program) and youth (pre-recruitment training program) through well designed programs executed by tapping the resource pool of over 30 lakh retired Sainik, large number of patriotic civilians, and expert organizations in different fields.

Government administrators are fallible even if they possess adequate skills. Chandragupt was a great King but fallible and needed Chanakya to guide him. Public have to play the role of Chanakya to guide the administration. This it can do only when they are well informed about their rights, responsibilities, and become equal a true son-of-the-soil in nation building.

Rashtriya Sainik Sanstha training programs will become a platform for Nation Building whose resources can be tapped by people / organizations doing Nation Building (commercial, social, political).

Salient of first training programme starting on 30 Apr 2016 at Shukratal, Muzaffarnagar,UP

Programs Envisioned are:

  • Foundation training for 7th pass students in the age group of 12-16(15 Days) Eligibility: 3 KM Run in less than 1 hour by boys and 2 KM by girls
  • Sainik pre-recruitment training for 10th pass students in the age group of 16-24(15 Days) Eligibility: 5 KM Run in less than 1 hour.

Both Programs are:

  • Duration of each program is 15 days
  • Totally Residential program with rigorous Training
  • Dormitory – shared, common Toilets (areas separate for boys & girls).
  • FREE program


1Assembly, Eligibility Test, Registration formalities + Medical checkup, Keynote Lecture, Syllabus, Mutual Introduction, Issue of Dangries
2 - 14Rigorous training and classes.
15Program ends after closing lecture, certificate, donation

Program Timing:

05:30 – 07:00Meditation, Pranayama, Yogasana and Physical Training
07:00 – 07:30Breakfast
07:30 – 08:30Freedom Struggle and Role of Neta Ji Subash Chandra Bose
08:30 -09:30History of India and Current Affairs
09:30 - 10:30Constitution,Preamble, Rights,Duties,Directive principles
10:30 - 11:30Introduction to Sociology and Political Science
11:30 - 12:30Military Tactics
12:30 - 13:30Lunch Break
13:30 - 14:30Disaster management
14:30 - 15:30Pollution,environment and climate
15:30 - 16:00Tea Break
16:00 - 17:00Use of Hand, Sticks, Swords etc
17:00 - 18:00Group Discussion & Introduction to Computers
18:00 - 19:00Dinner
19:00 - 20:00Personality Development, Leadership, Team Games, Jai Hind
20:00 - 21:00Home Work


  • PREAMBLE - Complete understanding of each word of the Preamble of Indian Constitution, with commentary. In particular, detailed meaning of the words SOVEREIGN, SOCIALIST, SECULAR, DEMOCRATIC, REPUBLIC will be explained.
  • Don’t take democracy for granted, don’t outsource your responsibilities, don’t hero worship wrong doers, take lessons from advanced and matured democracy like USA, e.g., a citizen of USA undergoes compulsory Military training in school / college, can be called for national duty in war, Jury duty, Community Service. A characterless person trying to run for public office is shunned by the people in a manner such that no political party can dare to give them tickets / postings, even though there is no bar on it in the law.
  • Engage with HRD to make Sena Training compulsory in schools and colleges.
  • Engage with MHA to ensure that every citizen can be called up for National Duty
  • Ensure that every citizen getting right to vote has understood the Country’s Preamble – their rights and their duties in section 51 (A) of the Constitution of India.
  • Foundation specific program to be replaced by recruitment training specific program.
  • Motivational and Patriotic songs to be played on speaker during breaks.
  • This batch is for Unemployed Youth but this syllabus can be suitably modified for Schoolas well.

Faculty: Col Tejandra Pal Tyagi,Capt Suresh Chand, Mrs Chitra Lekha, Col Ajai Vir,Col Satish Shukla, Shri Sharat Tiwari, Sub R S Rathi, Hav Sudish Kumar, Nk Rekh Raj, Prof Neelam Pawar, Mrs Rama Tyagi,,Advocate SSV Mishra, Shri M L Gupta & Guests.

Food for thought: We wish to establish Sainik Schools one per District. We also wish to give lectures and Training in Schools and Colleges.

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