29 August 2021 , Headquarters Rashtriya Sainik Sanstha , 133 B Modal Town East , Ghaziabad - Today in the webinar of the women's wing of the Rashtriya Sainik Sanstha here, Dame Dr Master Meher Moos, the founder director of Zoroastrian College affiliated to the United Nations said that women should have equal rights. More opportunities should be given, but by giving entry to the National Defense Academy, they should not be admitted to the infantry of the army because of their physical ability. Supreme Court please take cognizance of this.
Professor Neelam Pawar of Vidyavati Post Graduate School said that half the population is entitled to get equal opportunities but not to become a front line warrior. Dr. Nishita Dixit of Hyderabad, who has run many corporate hospitals and Rekha Udit Tiwari, Chairperson of Women International Network (WIN), said that women and men have to progress together. If women are included in the infantry in the field of defense, then a separate physical standard, separate platoon will have to be made for them. Therefore it is not appropriate for them to participate in Man to Man fight.
Radhika Anand, Green Ambassador of BSF, NSG, CISF, Member of Amritsar and Director of a big school Rama Mahajan and Secretary of All India Women's Conference of South West Asia Sweta Rai Talwar of Uttarakhand said that neither the Parliament nor the Supreme Court should go against the advice of the army.
Chennai's Manju Nambiar from the corporate world supported the entire House against the opinion of women joining the infantry and joining the National Defense Academy.
Col Tejendra Pal Tyagi, the National President of the Rashtriya Sainik Sanstha, said that the army is the only institution left in the country which is almost above corruption and politics. It should not be made a laboratory of social change because in India of 135 crores, this army of 13 lakhs also protects the country on the border and also controls the disasters within the country. All the women of the women's wing of the Rashtriya Sainik Sanstha representing different parts of the country mentioned in the attached banner said that the Supreme Court should re-examine its order on the recruitment of women in the NDA.