10 November 2020 , Headquarters Rashtriya Sainik Sanstha , 133 B Modal Town East, Ghaziabad - Today a webinar was organized here on behalf of National Vangurad of Rashtriya Sainik Sanstha in which the following members were panelists:
Maj Gen P K Saighal , Former Commandant Air Defense College
Maj Gen Ranjit Singh , Former Vice Chancellor of Three Different Universities
Er Paritosh Tyagi, Former Chairman, Central Pollution Control Board, India
CA (Dr)CR Dhavalagi, National President, Federation of Chartered Accountant
Shri Sushil Pandit , Founder , roots-in-Kashmir
Shri S Subaiha , IAS , Former Secy to Govt of Kerala
Col TP Tyagi, National President, Rashtriya Sainik Sanstha
Maj Sushil Goel , National Convener , Education & Health Wing
CDR HS Sharma , Vice Chancellor , Itanagar University , Arunachal Pradesh
Dr PN Murthy , VP , World Consitution & Parliament Association
It was unanimously told in the webinar that on the recommendation of the civil society of each city, half the salary of the irresponsible officer should be deducted. The administration is directly responsible for most of our inconveniences and the alarming level of pollution.
There are some such Laver bases in every city where laborers, badhi, blacksmiths, masons etc. gather in the morning in search of livelihood. Is it not the responsibility of the labor commissioner to make arrangements for temporary shelters, drinking water and mobile toilets for them?
There is 20% performance grant in the financial grant received by the Municipal Corporation, under which the corporation has to tell through newspapers which facilities they will give to their citizens. Was not told but the grant is being claimed. Why ?
Multi-storey buildings are being constructed continuously in NCR. Will the development authority give the guarantee of air and water to the people living in them in the coming time?
A large number of saplings are planted every year in every district, yet why has the area reduced.
The newly constructed road is cut to provide water, electricity and telephone lines. Couldn't the left hand of the administration do hello with the right hand?
Due to delay in the implementation of the plans, the expenditure increases unaccountably. Who's responsible?
On this occasion, Gaurav Senani VR Jadhav, Shri Ashok Jain, Shri Rajiv Joli Khosla, Shri Rameshwar Parishad Tyagi, Ms. Chetna Seni, Smt. Neelam Gupta, Ms. Swati Bansal also expressed their views.
Apart from asking questions in today's webinar, some suggestions were also given:
1. Most of the citizens are also responsible for the present situation because they have lost value and character. That's why moral education is necessary.
2. When the tsunami hit Andaman, there were neither schools nor hospitals. Foreign help first came from Bill Clinton of America and later from the Indian government.
In view of the outbreak of Corona, shouldn't a health emergency have been declared? If this was the case then private hospitals would not exploit the patients.