19 September 2020, Office of the District School Director, Ghukna, Nandgram, Ghaziabad : Today here, District School Director Shri Ravi Dutt was asked by Colonel Tejendra Pal Tyagi, Chairman of RWW A Federation and Flat Owners Federation Ghaziabad, whether the big schools have kept their balance sheets. The notice has been given to you after I have not received the answer. The school management will say that the teachers' salary cannot be given from the school's profit and development fund. Can be changed. What action did you take other than giving notice if the big schools have not given the balance sheet? Was any FIR lodged against him or a request was made to the government to take punitive action or any strong ban was imposed on him or his license was cancelled? Everyone knows the answer, no.
All the parents are members of some or the other RWWA so we demand that 10 days final notice should be given to the school management otherwise it will be considered that the administration is ignoring the parents and colluding with the school managements. What is to be done after getting the sheet, it is a matter of later, first to know how the vocational schools have collected so much money that every year a new branch is opened for them.
Shri Ravi Dutt ji said that this issue is in the notice of the District Magistrate. Col. Tyagi said, Sir, you also have some responsibility and you also get salary. Have you sent your written recommendation to the District Magistrate to tell the schools again and again? Be punished for not giving your balance sheet even after that. If not, then it is not in public interest.
District School Director Shri Ravi Dutt ji promised that on the coming Monday only, action will be taken on this subject with the District Magistrate.