Air Marshal JN Barma, Colonel Tejendra Pal Tyagi, Group Captain LK Vij Group, Captain CK Bhat, Captain Harpal Sharma, Head of Village Kalda and other Bigha of land in Kalda, Shaheed Ashram was laid today on April 2006.
Unveiled Statue of Major Asharam Tyagi Received Amar Shaheed Mahavir Chakra in Muzaffarnagar.
On 15 August 2006, the statue of Shaheed Major Asharam, Mahavir Chakra was unveiled in Muzaffarnagar by Mr. KC Tyagi, Chairman of Central Warehousing Corporation, on this occasion, Col. Tejendra Pal Tyagi, National President of Rashtriya Sainik Sanstha, along with the martyrs by the Government Referring to the favoritism being said, the widow of the martyred soldier is allowed to go on the train but not the parents of the soldier, what kind of law is this?