On October 6, 2012, Joginder Singh, former Director of CBI
of India, former Governor of Punjab, Le. General BKN Chhibber, Shri Deepak
Bhardhaj, Colonel Tejendra Pal Tyagi, etc., were greeted at Jharkhand Airport
by the National Army Association of Jharkhand. State President Advocate Arjun
Narayan Dev. 6
October 2012, Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium, District Chatra, Jharkhand: - Rashtriya
Sainik Sanstha organized a huge public meeting here today. Shri Sudhanshu
Suman, the Vice President of National Army, Jharkhand, went door-to-door to
awaken the people to their rights and inspired them to join the Rashtriya Sainik
Sanstha, the only organization of patriots and former soldiers. As a result, on
October 6 , more than 15 thousand people gathered and together they raised
their demands.