24 August 2024, 133 B Model Town East, Registered Headquarters Rashtriya Sainik Sanstha, Ghaziabad - Today here, Mr. Mir Yar, President of India Chapter of Balochistan Freedom Moment honored the National President of Rashtriya Sainik Sanstha, Vir Chakra recipient Colonel Tejendra Pal Tyagi, by making him wear his special turban. This turban is considered the highest honor of Balochistan.
Mr. Mir Yar, President of India Chater of Balochistan Freedom Moment said that our country was independent. In 1839, the British divided it between Iran and Afghanistan. Later in 1948, Pakistan occupied a large part of it, while it was shown that Balochistan joined Pakistan of its own free will. For the last 7 decades, Pakistan has been committing crimes against the Baloch people, people here are tortured, made to disappear and women are harassed. Balochistan Freedom Moment is fighting against this exploitation. Shri Mir Yar said that Balochistan has mines of gold, silver, copper etc., oil and natural gas reserves and this country is a big corridor connecting India to Central Asia, Europe and Middle East. We extend a hand of friendship towards India.
Shri Mir Yar honoured the National President of Rashtriya Sainik Sanstha, Veer Chakra recipient Colonel Tejendra Pal Tyagi by putting a turban of his special honour on him today. National Patron of Rashtriya Sainik Sanstha Professor Dr. Pawan Sinha Guruji and Major General GD Bakshi have already been honoured with this turban.
On this occasion, Colonel Tyagi said that we give our moral support to the Balochistan Freedom Moment. In this regard, we will also follow People to People contact in the first phase. Colonel Tyagi said that it is in our knowledge that Pakistan is giving the right to China to use the resources of Balochistan.
Pakistan asks people to read Punjab codes and asks people from natural resources like Balochistan to graze goats. This is the reason why discontent is spreading in Balochistan against which Pakistan is committing unprecedented and unimaginable crimes against the people there.
Colonel Tyagi said that on my behalf and on behalf of all the members of Rashtriya Sainik Sanstha, I am sending moral support to Balochistan Freedom Moment.