India must strengthen friendship with Thailand through TBCL

3 Feb 2024,Thai- Bharat Cultural Lodge(TBCL),Bangkok,Thailand : Today Neta ji Subhash Chandra Bose 127 Birthday Celebrations were organised here.


The Dy Chief of the Indian Ambassador to Thailand Ms Paulomi  Tripathi while speaking as the Chief Guest for the occasion highlighted the friendship between India and Thiland. She said TBCL is the biggest center of cultural Exchange between the two great countries.In India we have hundreds of slots in IITs for Thailand Students and here in Thailand we have half  a dozen India Study Groups.


The Jt Secy of TBCL Shri Rajendra Pandey briefed the guests about the true history of the Indian National Army (INA) which was initially formed in Thailand by Maj Fujiwara. Indian Independence League (IIL) and Indian National Council (INC) contributed to the formation of INA. Finally,Rasbihari Bose was nominated it's Head in the 1st Bangkok Conference held from 15th June 1942 to 23rd June 1942 where representatives of Italy,Germany and Japan were present. 34 resolutions were passed in this conference including transfer of Indian PoWs from Malaya and Hongkong to INA and all types of support by Japan to INA. Head Quarter of Provisional Govt of Free India (PGFI) was forme on 21st Oct 1943 in Singapur short time later it was also established in Thailand.


National President of Rashtriya Sainik Sanstha Col Tejendra Pal Tyagi while speaking on this occasion as the Guest of honour brought out the tremendous contribution of Netaji in the freedom struggle.He said that Netaji did not die in the plane accident but he moved to the embassy of INA in Siberia,Russia from where he gave 3 radio broadcast in Dec1945,Jan and Feb 1946.It is in records of Govt of India.He asked the people of Thailand to strengthen Thai-Bharat relationship,more than ever before, because China may promise sky but it will deliver just a suitcase.China is coming closer to Thailand just to carve out an alternative to Malakka Strait. Col Tyagi asked who came out to protect commercial ships from Huti Militants in Gulf of Eden and Red Sea ? It is India and not China.


President of TBCL and Doctorate in Sanskrit Dr Chirapat Prapandvidya,VP of TBCL Shri Sushil Kumar Dhanuka, Secy of TBCL Shri Rakesh Kumar Mettakhun,Former Thailand Diplomat in India and Jt Secy of TBCL Dr Paitoon Songkaeo,Mrs Shikha & Dr Kaewruang of TBCL actively participated in the celebrations along with hundreds of others.


Former  Thai  Ambassador  Shri Pisan Manawapat who is a Senator  at present lauded the efforts made by TBCL .


Since Netaji ji visited Thailand 8 times as head of a state and 4 times otherwise,it was resolved today that allout efforts will be made to spread  importance of  TBCL and crying necessity of improving Thai-Bharat friendship, more than ever before , knowing the Geo – Political situation prevailing at present .

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