31 July 2022, usi , Rao Tula Ram Marg, New Delhi : Today the first summit of the National VANGUARD (attached) of the Rashtriya Sainik Sanstha was held here, which was done by His Excellency the Governor of Uttarakhand, General Gurmeet Singh. Resolutions were passed which are being sent to the government :-
Elementary Sainik Training should be given in Schools
Elementary military training in schools (Syllabus is attached) will prove beneficial in many ways. First of all, the child who will get the initial military training will never try to burn or destroy any government property in his lifetime. Secondly, the training that will be given to the children of class VI to VIII will go down in their hearts and minds because children of that age are like pots made of raw clay which can be easily brought into the shape. Thirdly, after the initial military training, every child would not only have taken a step forward to participate in the military service, but would also have become a good citizen because he was taught about the 11 duties given in Article 51A of the Constitution. And the last thing is that the Rashtriya Sainik Sanstha is ready to take the responsibility of elementary military training in schools, which already has the experience of imparting such training.
50% Retention of Agni Veers
The level at which the youth of the country are participating in the Agni Path scheme is commendable. For the appointment of 3500 Agniveers in the Indian Air Force, 7 lakh 50 thousand youth have applied. It is a matter of great pride that the youth of our country have such a wonderful spirit to serve the country. Right now there is a provision to make one Agni Veer permanent out of the 4 Agni Veer. We propose that instead of one, a provision should be made to make two Agniveers out of 4 permanent.
Uniform Civil Code should be implemented
The author of the constitution, Babasaheb Ambedkar, the member of the Constituent Assembly, K.M. Munshi and member of the Constituent Assembly Krishnaswamy Iyer openly advocated Uniform Civil Code. In 1985, in 1995, in 2003 and in 2019, the Supreme Court had even said that secularism without a Uniform Civil Code is meaningless, so this law It should be made soon. Socialist leader Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia, former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Bajpayee, Tahir Mahmood of Minorities Commission also strongly supported this law. The Delhi High Court had also issued notice to the Central Government on 31 May 2020 on a PIL seeking a 'uniform civil code'. We propose that the Equal Citizens Act should be implemented at the earliest.
Padmabhushan General BN Shahi stressed and gave many examples and compared different departments and said that pride fighters should have been nominated in Rajya Sabha and Legislative Council since 1947, but now it should not be delayed because today's soldier is everything. Has begun to understand and has become aware of the speech and conduct of its leaders. Retired soldiers should also be represented in a democracy.
All the above resolutions have been passed unanimously. The names of some members are mentioned in the pictures, but apart from them the most respected members who were present are Major General Ranjit Singh, Rear Admiral Sanatan Kulshrestha, Smt. Radhika Anand, the son of late Nandini Satpathy, the former wondrous Chief Minister of Orissa and of SNSMT. Chairman Shri Suparno Satpathy, Commodore VS Beble, Wing Commander Praful Bakshi, Sridhar University Vice Chancellor Commander Bhushan Dewan, CRPF Commandant Captain Rajneesh Ahlawat, Major General Ajay Jung Bahadur Jain, PIL Man of India Shri Ashwani Upadhyay, Eminent Defense Specialist Major General KK Sinha, National Liaison Specialist, Rashtriya Sainik Sanstha, Shri Adesh Tyagi, Doordarshan Editor Shri Nageswara Rao.
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